High Days and Holidays

In 1901 the population of Brook and Hulverstone was about 221, and Mottistone about 90, but even so, social life was astonishingly rich for so small a community and relatives and friends from Brighstone and elsewhere joined in many social events.

The three village pageants of 1923, 1924 and 1925 perhaps marked the high point of the social life of Brook when it was still a farming and fishing village.

The IOW County Press reported: The large gathering of spectators from all parts of the Island which assembled in the grounds of Brooke House on Thursday...

In 1925 General Jack Seely gave a piece of land in front of Hanover House for a tennis court for village use.

Saturday, 12th October 1889 - Benedicts v Bachelors

In 1889, the married members played the bachelors, so the villages must have supplied enough players for two teams at least. 

This cricketing song about the Boys of Brooke and Mottistone was written by Frank Fellowes in 1883,...

In 1910 Sir Charles Seely provided a ground – and aristocracy and clergy joined the team. The cricket ground was at the bottom of Badger’s Lane,...

The newspaper accounts of concerts, pageants and Church festivals show that music featured regularly in festivals and holidays.

‘A very welcome and pleasant relief to the monotony which generally marks the life of this district,’ so the County Press condescended to report the first Brook Regatta, held on the 21st June 1889.

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